Asra would begin living in a magical alcove under the docks, where he kept several magical ingredients and items, including the book of tarot his parents had made him.

When his parents failed to return from the palace, Asra was left alone and became one of many orphans on the streets of Vesuvia.

Both were subsequently imprisoned, alongside their familiars, in the Arcana Realm for approximately twenty years. While imprisoned, they were each visited by the Devil, who made deals with them to ensure the safety of their son and spouse they failed to realize both of them would make the same deal and that it was all a trick until it was too late. In truth, Lucio was instructed by the Devil to imprison the magicians, as he needed them for his own plans. When it was completed, he had them both thrown in the dungeons, claiming that he didn't want anyone else to know the secret of how the arm worked. When Asra was still a child, Aisha and Salim were employed by the palace and tasked by Count Lucio to construct him a magical prosthetic arm. Asra would later use the book to develop his own tarot deck. His father had drawn all the pictures, and his mother supplied the riddles that went along with them. They would later supply him with magical knowledge, mainly through a book on tarot. Although his first attempt ended in a messy fiasco, Asra's parents found it amusing. As a child, Asra would develop magical powers when he attempted to make a tea kettle produce tea for his sick mother. Carefree and content to live in the moment, Asra appears to dislike worrying about the future, and will remind the Apprentice to do the same.Īsra is the only child of Aisha and Salim, two magicians from the country of Zadith.
However, when the teasing is returned, or upon receiving genuine affection, he appears comically uncertain of how to respond. He has a mischievous sense of humor and enjoys teasing others, delighted when he makes them flustered. He is free-spirited and sociable, although ultimately private, preferring to spend his time alone or with only the Apprentice. He is very devoted to and protective of the apprentice, admitting that he journeys partly to escape his overwhelming feelings for them, as he cannot tell them how he feels.Īt times Asra is difficult to predict, but he can always be depended upon to arrive whenever the Apprentice needs him. However, he confesses to hate keeping secrets from the Apprentice, and refrains from telling them complete truths only to keep them safe. To the Apprentice's enduring annoyance, he is often enigmatic and acts ambiguously, especially when pressed about their past. Around his neck, Asra wears a thick gold choker with simple, rounded carvings and a small blue crystal on a thick cord.Īsra is characterized by a wanderlust and curiosity that often leads him away on mysterious journeys, and he enjoys exploring faraway lands. His brown and black slacks have decorative gold studs and end in a pair of dark magenta boots. A maroon scarf sits across his shoulders, and he occasionally wears a wide-brimmed, black hat with a large, bright feather. He has a magenta, gold-tasseled shawl wrapped across the shirt. When traveling, he wears a long, sleeveless coat, decorated in a multitude of colors and with the symbol of the Arcana in the corners. He has a mischievous grin, and dimples appear on his cheeks when he laughs.Īsra wears a baggy white shirt rolled up at the sleeves and has it unbuttoned to reveal his chest. Asra is a svelte young person with golden brown skin, fluffy white hair, and deep violet eyes.